Do you want to win and retain more business? Nail the competition?When you win deals, do you know why you win them?When you lose deals, do you know why you lose them?When existing customers choose you again, why do they?When your existing customers abandon you, why do they?If you don't ask your customers and those who chose a competitor, you won't discover the true reasons of what does and doesn't work with your buyers. By interviewing your customers, you will also pull insight to develop specific buyer personas.With the guidance of Win/Loss Analysis, you will discover how to remove the guesswork, and gain more business by conducting Win/Loss interviews with your customers and former prospects.For two decades, Win/Loss expert Ellen Naylor has guided executives and managers to world-class results with her unique 12-step Win/Loss process detailed in this book. Now you will get her inside tips and secrets to lead your organization to do the same.Not convinced yet? Research shows that taking action from a formal Win/Loss program can improve business win rates from 15 to 30 percent. The bottom line: You can win and retain more business from Win/Loss Analysis.Can you and your company NOT afford to do Win/Loss analysis?